The Shoes of the Gospel of Peace
“Stand firm therefore…having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace.” Ephesians 6:15 (Also see Isaiah 52:7, Romans 10:15, and John 14:27)
Currently, we are putting on the Armor of God as found in Ephesians 6:10-20, piece-by-piece. As a matter of fact, the value of the armor is manifested in its ability to enable the Christian believer to “stand firm” and “resist” the trickery and cunning deceit of the devil (see Ephesians 6:10-13), as we put it on in this fashion each new day. Has the enemy whispered anything in your ear lately such as, “With all the bad things you are witnessing on TV, can you truly believe that God is in control and that He really cares about those who are suffering, yet alone whatever it is that you may be facing personally?” As viewed from another angle, sometimes the Christian may wonder how someone has made it through a very difficult situation in life without losing his or her mind.
Paul answers situations or scenarios such as these amidst the devil’s attacks, via a Christian’s fitting his or her feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace. “Peace” is the operative word found in this verse. And “shod” or “fit” in the original language conveys the idea of “binding something very tightly on the bottom of one’s feet.” What is Paul getting at?
Paul was likening the spiritual armor God has made available to the Christian to the suit of armor worn by a First Century Roman soldier. And no committed soldier would be caught dead without having his shoes fitted tightly and ready for battle. What’s interesting, is the most often overlooked fact that the soldier’s boot (or sandal) was equipped with a large spike in the heel which enabled him to plant his feet firmly and evenly so-as-to station himself mightily on the ground as the enemy approached as well as when he attacked.
How about you Christian? Are you standing firmly on God’s Word which, as Paul says, affords the Christian having made peace with God at the cross, to enter life’s battles daily with the peace of God strapped tightly to his feet. And the result? So, you can be ready to share the gospel of peace of Jesus Christ with an often confused, desperate, and terrified world! Suit up!
Pastor Louie