Magnificent Obsession
Jesus said I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me and I in him, he bears much frui
When I was a young boy, I used to love to watch my grandmother Mabrey tend her beautiful flower garden which was located in the front yard right next to my grandparents home in Albertville, Alabama. The neat thing was how I could sit in the front living room and look out the large picture window and right onto her lovely garden. But, better yet, was my grandmothers standing invitation to be right there with her, in the garden, as she tenderly cared for her wide variety of flowers with the greatest of love and care and even removing the weeds from time to time.
Jesus desires that we stay connected to Him and that He be our magnificent obsession. And the most beautiful place to be with Him is in the beautiful garden of prayer. What beauty awaits us each new day as we walk with Him and we talk with Him and He tells us that we are belong to Him.
In the place where the deep roots and the rich soil connect in preparation to receive the gentle rains, sunshine, and even the pruners shears, in order to become the most beautiful garden.
Sweet Hour of Prayer,
Pastor Louie