Trusting in God
"...and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age." Matthew 28:20
This morning we have begun our Vacation Bible School week at Trinity Church. The program is entitled, "Seaside Celebration" focusing on five promises of God. Monday's theme is, "God's Promise: I am with you." WOW! What a promise! As a matter of fact, Matthew records this as the last thing Jesus said to the crowd of people who watched Him visibly ascend into heaven following his crucifixion and bodily resurrection from the dead on earth.
It's difficult to trust folks sometimes, isn't it? People, even family members, may have the best of intentions, but not follow through on their promises. The neat thing is that God always keeps his promises, and one of the greatest and most satisfying promises of all is His promise in Christ and through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, to be with his children always at all times and through all circumstances.
The VBS kids are going to study the faith of the three Hebrew boys of old who were thrown into King Nebuchadnazzer's fire as recorded in Daniel, Chapter Three. Check it out. God's presence is awesome! Remember, He loves you, He created you, and He understands you current struggles and needs. Put your faith today in the One who has promised to always be with you.
In Christ we stand,
Pastor Louie