(Final) Adorenament No. 12: The Cross Name of Jesus: Savior
(Final) Adorenament No. 12: The Cross
Name of Jesus: Savior
The Father has sent the Son [to be] the Savior of the world. Whoever confesses that Jesus is the Son of God, God abides in him, and he in God. I John 4:14-15
If you’re like me, you were excited about Christmas and opening presents. However, Christmas is about Jesus’ birth, when we remember God’s great love in sending His Son. With all the gifts, do you forget that Jesus is the greatest gift anyone could get at Christmas? Remember the reason Jesus was born? It’s what He said He would do hundreds of years before. We need a Savior! One of Jesus most wonderful names is Savior.
Why do we need a Savior? What do we need to be saved from? Our sins. The Bible says, “All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23). Sin is disobeying God. Because God is holy, God can’t let out sins go unpunished. Someone must be punished in our place.
Good news! God the Father sent Jesus to be punished in the place of sinners! He loved His Son just like He loves us, but there was no other way, so Jesus, the spotless Son of God went to the cross for you and for me, so that we could have a relationship with God!
But here’s where it can get confusing for some people. Our ability to have a relationship with God is not based on what we do or don’t do, but on the FREE GIFT of God—the FREE GIFT to save sinners! Like a gift under a Christmas tree you can’t earn; you just receive. However, we need to confess our sins and repent. Romans 10:9 says, “that if you confess with your mouth Jesus (as) Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you shall be saved.” “Confess” means to be honest with God about our sin and ask forgiveness. “Repent” means to turn away from that sin and instead turn to God to live a life that is pleasing to Him. But remember this cannot be done apart from Jesus. And when you trust in Christ by faith as Savior and Lord, Jesus promises our sins are washed away, to never leave us, to send the Holy Spirit or Helper to enable us to live the Christian life with fullness and joy, and oh yes, Jesus promises us eternal life! Have you invited Jesus into your heart to be your Savior? In the Saving Name of Jesus! Pastor Louie