Pastor's Blog

Lean on Jesus!

Lean on Jesus!

“There was reclining on Jesus’ breast one of His disciples whom Jesus loved.” John 13:23

When I was a little kid, my first cousin Gary, and his family made their annual trip to my hometown all the way from Chula Vista California. One day while they were visiting, my parents took me, along with Gary’s family, to my great grandfather’s home way out in the country for a visit. Now Gary had brought plastic pirate swords and hats for us to play with, so we walked across the road with the intention of being swashbucklers in my great grandfather’s big pond. The problem was, I couldn’t swim, and somehow, playing pirates, I managed to get myself into deep water. But God provided for my dad, who had been watching us play from the other side of the pond, to walk over and check on my cousin and me at just the right time, for immediately, he jumped in and rescued me from drowning. The rest of the afternoon, I sat with my head leaning on my father’s chest during which time I was revived and restored to new life!
That Thursday evening, in an Upper Room in Jerusalem, Jesus reclined at a table with John the beloved to his right, leaning on His chest. That same night Judas would leave the room to betray Jesus, and Jesus would inform Peter that before the rooster crowed, Peter would deny Him three times.
Are you drowning? Are betrayal or denial reclining at your table? Remember, like John, to lean on Jesus! Judas Iscariot’s heart remained dark, but Peter went out and wept bitterly in repentance after his denial. He would remember Jesus’ words spoken to Him in Luke 22:31-32.
Rest! Renew! Remember the Promises of God! And be ready to be restored to active service as you Lean of Jesus who rescued you at the cross because He loves you so! Pastor Louie