The Joy of Being a Christian
Psalm 51:12 Restore to me the joy of your salvation, and uphold me by Your generous spirit.
I recently read a devotional by Dr. David Jeremiah on not losing you joy, that really caused me to reflect upon my own life! Here are the highlights intermingled with my own thoughts.
Joy is one of the greatest gifts accompanying our salvation. Professor Lewis Smedes wrote, You and I were created for joy, and if we miss it, we miss the reason for our existence! My paternal grandfather always expressed a joyful attitude in the Lord which has been a witness to me to this very day! It doesn’t mean that Christians won’t experience hard times and great difficulties in life, my grandfather did. What it does mean is that we can live in the power of the Holy Spirit who has equipped and gifted every believer with the fruit of joy of Christ! (See Galatians 5:22). The joy of the Lord is the Christian’s birthright!
Unfortunately, David waited a year after he had committed adultery with Bathsheba, before he confessed his sin before the Lord, but via of his open heart and repentance before God, both his joy and his spirit were restored! If there is sin in your life that has been robbing your joy, don’t wait, confess that sin today, and invite the Holy to renew your joy supernaturally and practically for the day to day! God’s joy will assure you that He is in control of your life and that everything is going to be alright! (David Jeremiah’s Turning Points)
The joy of the Lord is my strength!
Pastor Louie