Putting on the Armor in Prayer, Part 3
“With all prayer and petition pray at all times in the Spirit…”
Ephesians 6:18(a)
We have been exploring the armor worn by a Roman soldier during the days of Paul, and in the process, likened this equipment to the spiritual armor to be worn daily by the Christian. Paul lists six pieces of armor: (the belt) waist encircled with God’s truth, the breastplate of righteousness, the shoes of the gospel of peace, the shield of faith, the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit which Paul says is the word of God.
Interestingly however, the Roman soldier carried a seventh piece of armor with him-the lance. There were a wide variety of lances used in that day according to length, weight, and different in the manner in which they were tipped. The most common was the six-foot pilum lance which was used when an encampment of Roman soldiers was under attack. The soldier, able to hurl this massive spear from a distance, could inflict a great amount of damage upon the enemy before they could pose any type of threat.
Paul concludes his Holy-Spirit-inspired masterpiece on the armor of God, with the most important weapon of all-prayer! Do you have a loved one who is currently under attack and possibly in bondage to the enemy? Take aim at the heart of Satan’s plans for your loved one and destroy them! Hurl the lance of persistent prayer at Him, coupled with the word.
Here are a few examples from the Scriptures you can pray to overcome the enemy in your life or the life of a loved one through the power of Christ and to the glory of God! Put your name or the name of your loved one in the prayer and invite the Holy Spirit to guide, protect, and empower you as pray these Scriptures. (See Ephesians 6:10-20; Psalm 25:1-2; Psalm 31:14-17; Psalm 91).
In the Victorious and Saving Name of Christ! The One Who Prays for us!
Pastor Louie