God Gives You What You Need
"And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus." Philippi
It's easy to get discouraged or frustrated when you want something you don't have, no matter what your age. You may be longing for a better job, living conditions, the right person to marry, improved health, financial stability, or relief from a most pressing and stressful set of circumstances. When I was a kid at the carnival, I couldn't enjoy the kiddie planes because I told my mom I couldn't wait to be on the kiddie roller coaster!
If you're like me, sometimes what I think I need is not really the best thing for me. The neat thing about this verse is that God has promised to always supply what we need, which is always the best because God knows best even when it is something different than what we want to have in our possession at the time. And, if God provides it in His perfect time, it doesn't matter what the external picture displays, our hearts will be satisfied because we will know a deep contentment within our minds and hearts that only Christ can provide through the power of the Holy Spirit.
I would encourage you to slowly read and think about the context in which Paul writes this verse by reading Chapter Four of Philippians. When you do, you will see how God provided for everything that Paul needed. And He will do no less for you today, as you trust Him. 'Whater' be the tide, God will take care of you" Also, check out Matthew Six.
Ever-learning to be Content with Christ,
Pastor Louie